
Our Solution
Our solution to address the key problems identified was a game, designed to be used in the classroom. This technological based solution aims to:
Facilitate children’s opportunities to connect to nature and support their engagement in environmental education lessons
Provide a simple, easy to use and time efficient resource to educators and guardians in teaching engaging lessons about the environment.

What is Plant Paradise?
Plant Paradise is a 2D environmental education game, designed to be used as an educational tool as part of school curriculums and at home.
Through using their tablet or smartphone, children, parents and teachers can access the game. (Class groups can use a Teacher Code to play together!)

General prototype flow
Functionality of Game
How to play?
The game begins after logging in with or without a teacher code which allows students to play with classmates only. Players must design a character to explore a variety of natural landscapes.

Log in and choose a character

Pick a location
After choosing a name, character type, and accessories, the player is presented with a map of Ireland from which they pick a location that has been unlocked to begin playing the game.
The character's game statistics, Hunger, Health, Energy and Level, are visible at the bottom of the screen. Players are responsible for increasing or maintaining these through interaction with the game world in wilderness locations which are indicated by a tree on the map. An interaction could be collecting plants, learning about the use and putting them to use.

The wilderness locations

Collecting plants
Players can enhance their character, and unlock new landscapes to travel by gathering information about their natural environment and collecting new plants.

The campsite locations
The location indicated on the map by a tent allows students to interact or share findings with classmates at the social hub/ the campsite! This location allows for sleeping to increase energy levels and game saving. Students can talk and help each other while also being able to see some of each others progress such as level and awards.

Additional functions
Players can keep track of their progress, view daily tasks, view their collection of plants, see awards, check their level and knowledge points, and further edit their character using the notebook feature.